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How to meditate using the Heart Breath.

The Heart Breath

The heart area is a power house of source and a wonderful place to commune with. This breath will assist you to maintain a substantial relationship with your inner world.

  1. Stretch hands straight above head; visualize a tube following the flow of your arms and length of your body to below your feet

  2. Inhale deeply from the top and bottom of the tube at the same time, bring air to heart, to count of six

  3. Exhale from the heart to count of six

  4. Variant: Breathe with palms together, arms out

  5. Variants: Palms six inches or one foot apart

  6. Variant: Breathe into the heart, exhale from the top and bottom of the tube


  • With this breath, place your palms together, at chest level. Note what happens. Write it down.

  • Place your palms six inches apart. Breathe using this technique. What happens?

  • Place your palms one foot apart. Breathe using this technique. What happens?