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Whether you understand all there is to know about the ONA information or not, you can practice these meditations. Doing so will not only help you get more out of your life, it will assist you to experience the ONA information directly, not just intellectually.

Guided Meditations

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 2222
From this page you may listen to any of the ONA guided meditations at no charge; or, alternatively, you can order a copy of three meditations on CD.

Haunting music…guided imagery…digitized audio waveforms designed to help you get deeper than you've ever gone before. This is what you'll find in the volumes of the ONA Meditation Series of CDs.

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Merkaba Meditation

By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 5580
Raise your quantum frequency and make requests of the Universal Energy with this meditation.

When one's spiritual vibrations are at their highest frequencies, one's stated desires tend to come true. So, in this step, decide what it is, exactly, your desires are. Remember, phrase your desire in a positive way (desire health, not freedom from disease), and remember not to confuse your goal with some idea of how to acheive it (desire wealth, rather than a winning lottery ticket). Finally, remember that you cannot desire something for someone else. Phrase your desire in present tense, as if you already have it…and you're ready to go!

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Predict the Future!

By: Paul S Cilwa Page Views: 2368
A free Windows application designed to help you develop your natural precognitive abilities.

If you are using a computer with Microsoft Windows, we have a little program you can use to build your precognitive abilities. it's very simple: It lets you pick one of two cards. If you pick the right one, the one with a green circle on the back, you win a point. The cards are shuffled randomly, so it's impossible to guess logically which card will be the one. The program tracks your progress.

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