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Workshop Six

By: Unknown Page Views: 2055
We examine in depth your Cognitive Inner Aspect and Field, as well as your energetic System of Awakening.



Welcome to Workshop Six of the ONA Workshop Series. In this workshop, we will study Awakening, the Sixth principle of ONA and the principle that underlies your Sixth Field and Inner Aspect (Cognitive), and System.

  • The Definition of Awakening

  • The Statements of Awakening

  • The System of Awakening

  • The Cognitive Field and Inner Aspect

  • The Heart Breath

  • The Color of Awakening

  • The Sound of Awakening

  • ONA Initiation: System Six

  • Hands-On: Clearing and Handling the Vortexes

  • ONA Awareness Technique

To take this workshop, you may print the pages or view them on-screen. Either way, you'll want to read them at a time you can concentrate without interruption. There are questions for you to answer, and a place for you to type in your answers; but the information is neither sent nor saved anywhere. The fields are just there to support you in thinking about your answers, which people are more prone to do when they have to write them somewhere.


Page Views: 1484
All about your sixth System, Field and Inner Aspect.

Awakening is the process of becoming more coherent and cognizant of your surroundings and having the knowledge of your own placement there. Self (accessing all the aspects of yourself) to unconscious levels of encasement, i.e., armoring, accumulation of energy, etc. When we speak of awakening within ONA we are referring to being a conscious creator; being at the very core or center of that which you are awakening to.

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Page Views: 1491
How to meditate using the Heart Breath.

The heart area is a power house of source and a wonderful place to commune with. This breath will assist you to maintain a substantial relationship with your inner world.

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Page Views: 1516
All about the color of Awakening (green).

People who are drawn to this color tend to be benevolent, Humanistic, service-oriented and scientific. Many people here have a strong interest in the healing arts. Some learn to serve and help others as well as themselves with insights that they have learned to draw upon. They want to know and understand the plights of others as well as themselves.

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Page Views: 1480
The 'sound' of Awakening and how to use it.

The energy that fulfills the creative focus and gives weight to the creative process through the fulfillment of the intended result. Through the creative process all things fulfill their intended purpose and order.

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Page Views: 1388
Congratulations! You are ready for your next step.

Because ONA is about you becoming conscious, we feel that no one can initiate you, but you. You do not need our permission to embark on this journey; you only need your own. Because you are making an agreement with your Innermost Self, it is appropriate to stage the agreement in the form of a ritual. (Ritual is a language that communicates more deeply with the Innermost Self, which is why people instinctively use it regarding matters of importance.)

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By: Michael Manion Page Views: 1753
How to clear and tune the energy vortices of the body.

Although this process is always beneficial, it is specifically recommended when adjacent Systems, Fields, or Inner Aspects are interacting in suboptimal ways. For example, if a client cannot seem to distinguish between what he FEELS (beliefs) and what he THINKS (first-hand knowledge), the problem is that Systems Three and Four are not communicating properly. A vortex clearing, especially the Vortexes for Systems Three and Four, would be in order.

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Page Views: 1363

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Page Views: 1452
A few questions to help you measure your own progress.

Please take a week or so to practice the techniques you learned in this workshop. Each workshop builds on the skills learned in the workshop previous. Then, take a few minutes to answer the following questions. This is not a test; it is intended to give you a baseline against which to measure your progress. The right answer is the honest one!

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