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By: Paul S. Cilwa Page Views: 1243
How to practice several Aspiration techqniues.

Aspiration Techniques

The Created Self

Created self

You are a many-layered being. Imagine the writer of a movie script, in which one character is an author, in whose book is a character who is also an author, who has written a book in which the main character has entered a bowling tournament. In this scenario, there are four Created Selves—and all are aspects of the same person! Plus, there are more; for the writer of the movie script is, himself, the Created Self of an even deeper-level being.

Creation is an ongoing process, however. Once a Created Self is set into motion, the being continues the creation his or her self.

On this page, we're going to explore how you can make your dreams come true. Sound like an impossible task? Anything you think is possible, is possible. Let's see how.

I've Got A Little List

The anonymous author of the Little Red Book It Works pointed out that most people don't really know what they want—so it is of little surprise they don't get much:

Gee, I wish that were mine, is the outburst of Jimmy, the office boy, as a new red roadster goes by; and Florence, the telephone operator, expresses the same thought regarding a ring in the jeweler's window; while poor old Jones, the bookkeeper, during the Sunday stroll, replies to his wife, Yes, dear, it would be nice to have a home like that, but it is out of the question. We will have to continue to rent. Landem, the salesman, protests that he does all the work, gets the short end of the money and will some day quit his job and find a real one, and President Bondum, in his private sanctorum, voices a bitter tirade against the annual attack of hay-fever.

The Little Red Book goes on to point out that, without knowing what it is you want, you can't even tell if you've gotten what you want or not! It recommends that you begin to create fulfillment in your life, by defining what that will look like. In other words, make a little list.

Write It Out

It Works! was written in 1926, so it's author recommended taking pencil in hand and writing the list on paper. It is important that you actually go through the motions of creating your list, but doing it on the computer is equally valid and makes it a lot easier to modify.

So, open up Notepad or your favorite word processing program, and create a list, in order, of the things you "want". In keeping with the theme of Workshop Five, we'll create the list using the I WILL statements. Here's a sample list—yours, of course, should be unique to you, and you want to list the items with what you want most, listed at the top. (Juggling items around is one reason why maintaining the list on the computer is a lot easier than pencil!) Remember, WILL in this sense states purpose, not future.

Example List

  1. I WILL TO HAVE happiness, peace, and health.

  2. I WILL TO HAVE a great relationship with my spouse.

  3. I WILL TO BE a working novelist.

  4. I WILL TO HAVE respect and admiration for my work.

  5. I WILL TO HAVE a really cool motor home.

  6. I WILL TO HAVE a trip to Paris.

  7. I WILL TO HAVE $10,000,000 in the bank.

  8. I WILL TO HAVE dinner with Nick Jonas.

Validate The List

Next, consider the ramifications of actually getting the items on your list. Will a $10,000,000 bank account draw unwanted attention to you? If you have a motor home, will you be able to afford to drive it anywhere (or do you want to)? Many people's first stab at a list include things they thought they wanted, but actually represented something else. A wish for $10,000,000 may really just be a wish for financial security. It's best to compose your list of the essentials you actually want.

Of course, you can always change and rearrange the contents of your list any time you want. After all, it's your list.

It's All In The Details

Next, you want to add detail. A "really cool" motor home? If you really want one, know what kind you want. What color, make, options? If you want a trip to Paris, where do you want to go exactly—the Sorbonne, Notre Dame, a cafe on the Left Bank? If you want a great relationship with someone, write down what that looks like for you. Does it mean you never fight, or that you win all the fights? Put down the details.

Making It Happen

Now you come to the art of actually making the items on that list come true. There are a number of techniques for this, and you'll examine several one at a time.

The Practical Method

This is the method recommended by motivational classes for many decades, and it's extraordinary successful—and there's nothing metaphysical about it.

For each item on your list, you create a set of yearly goals (sub-goals) that will bring your closer to accomplishing that item. In our example, item three is "I WILL TO BE a working novelist." If you feel it is reasonable to allow five years to accomplish this goal, you might set yourself the following timetable of sub-goals:

  • Year 1: I WILL BE a published author

  • Year 2: I WILL BE known as a fiction author

  • Year 3: I WILL BE offered a contract to write a book

  • Year 4: I WILL BE writing my first novel

  • Year 5: I WILL BE a working novelist

Next, for each year (or just the first year), identify monthly goals:

  • January: I WILL buy a copy of Writer's Markets and select five target magazines, get copies of those magazines and study them for style and content

  • February: I WILL write a story tailor-made for each magazine and get it published in my local shoppers' newspaper

  • March: I WILL send the printed story, my bio, and some story ideas in to each magazine

  • April: …

You then break it into weekly goals, and even daily goals if that's appropriate:

  • January 1st Weekly Goal: I WILL buy a copy of Writer's Digest

  • January 2nd: Call local bookstores and find which one nearest me sells the current Writer's Market

  • January 4th: Drive to that store and buy the Writer's Market

  • January 8th Weekly Goal: I WILL identify and research the needs of magazines that publish fiction

  • January 8-14th: Study the Writer's Digest entries for ten magazines a day, noting which ones buy fiction and what their needs are

If This Is So Easy…

Why doesn't everyone do it?

Well, most people have never actually been exposed to the technique. Others are too addicted to TV or other time-wasters to actually follow through on the instructions. Others are set up for failure by their cultures ("women can't succeed in business") or families ("you'll never amount to anything!") and, finally, many people have conflicting goals set up from their childhoods or, more insidiously, from other lifetimes.

Who Only Lives Once?

Answer: No one.

There is physical, scientifically documented evidence that reincarnation actually occurs. If you aren't convinced, read the related topic pages elsewhere on this site for more information.

This is significant because many of the issues you deal with, the ones that don't solve easily with a dose of love and common sense, are often extensions into this lifetime of problems left unsolved in other lifetimes; and self-sabotage is a frequent symptom of this.

The Created Self

This phrase, The Created Self, describes the ego or persona created by…You! It is the collection of attributes chosen by the Innermost Self when creating a lifetime. Some traits may be chosen for several lifetimes. Traditional reincarnationist theory suggests that issues left unresolved in one lifetime may be brought up in another. While ONA does not believe this is inevitable—There will be a lot more said on the subject in ONA Workshop Eleven!—in truth, it does often happen this way, which is where self-sabotage can come in.

The created self is composed of the aspirations tobe which become your statements of I AM and the actions, which support those decisions that eventually, become your statements of I HAVE. These include every moment you have assumed a viewpoint within the physical or created universe. The most obvious indicators that tell you who you may have been, will start with your description of who you believe yourself to be.

Identifying The Created Self

People who are newcomers to metaphysics often become enraptured over the idea of who they may have been before. (Lifetimes do not need to be tied to chronology, but many devotees of past-life therapy do not realize this.) To be honest, there is as little benefit to analyzing the life mistakes of another lifetime of yours, as there is to analyzing the life mistakes of your mother, spouse, or next-door neighbor. Unless you need to personally prove reincarnation to yourself, there is also little point to looking up the gravestones of your other bodies, or (even worse!) trying to look up living relatives of that persona.

On the other hand, looking at the kind of lives you've lived, as opposed to the details, can be valuable for identifying issues that affect you now. It's another writing assignment. You will spend about one paragraph on each lifetime. Do not waste time with things like that lifetime's name, address, or telephone number. Do concentrate on traits such as loyalty, honesty, perseverance—and their opposites.

This is a different kind of past-life recall than you may have read about. It does not involved hypnosis or even meditation, and certainly doesn't involve any psychics other than yourself. It will feel like imagination, of course. But, with an estimated 20 million lifetimes other than your current ones, you've been and done everything! So, whatever you make up will be real, in a significant way.

Why? Because your subconscious will direct you to make up (recall) lifetimes that impact on the present one. Will it matter if, in this other lifetime, you cheated a business partner? Probably. Will it matter if you thought you lived in Germany, but it was really France? Of course not.

You will start each paragraph with "If I had been born into a life as a…" and will follow that with the name of an archetype.


Various scholars have identified certain lifestyles as archetypes, a lifestyle that is common to all cultures and times. More than just job descriptions, archetypes are so hard-wired into the Human psyche that Carl Jung, the famous analyst and student of Sigmund Freud, found they have consistent, cross-cultural meanings in your dreams. When you dream about an old woman, a train engineer, or a animal trainer, your subconscious is using archetypes to communicate with your conscious mind. In your past lives, you have been each and every one of these archetypes. That's why they now carry dream-like meanings and influences in your present life. Here have been presented the twelve basic archetypes and you know there may be more. These are the basic ones that exist throughout all societies.

Even "making up" a story about archetypes has relevance to your life. It is important to note that using the wording of the archetype needs to communicate with your experience and inner self, thus using Pirate for Sailor or Old Hag for Crone, Leader for King or any number of altered types is appropriate for working through this process. Sometimes you may have been a Duke or Duchess, Prince or Princess, Earl or Lady or both and those communicate to you more. Dancer may include things like Singer, Entertainer, Fool, Jester, or Clown as an Engineer could be a Builder, Plumber, Carpenter or Town/City Planner. Others for Priest, may include Priestess or Nun and there are all ranks of Soldiers and Knights, as a Wizard, may present itself as a Warlock, Witch and Magician, Liar such as Trouble Maker, Trickster or Fibber. Heroes can be Heroines, A Town Crier may be a Story Teller or News person. It is the energy that imparts that information to you that is important. Feel free to include your own wording of that archetype that communicates best to you. Don't confuse the archetypes even if the Soldier becomes a Hero or the Liar becomes the King. Run the process for both Archetypes to their own conclusion you will find it interesting how it all turns out for you.

Selecting an archetype from the list on the right (or using any one of your own), make up the following "story":

If I had been born into a life as a ____, my purpose for entering it would have been ______. By that life's end, I would have accomplished __________. It would affect me now in this lifetime by ___________.

Be as creative as you wish. Your imagination is the key to Universal Truth.

Sample Archetypes
  • Sailor
  • Crone
  • Priest
  • Soldier
  • Wizard
  • Engineer
  • Liar
  • King
  • Dancer
  • Farmer
  • Town Crier
  • Hero


If I had been born into a life as a pirate, my purpose for entering it would have been to experience freedom, camaraderie, and consequences. By that life's end, I would have accomplished learning empathy for the victims of my crimes. It would affect me now in this lifetime by making me be overly concerned with the welfare of people I perceive as "victims",

Integrating The Created Self

This whole concept of the shattering of the Soul into many, disconnected, lifetimes is an illusion, but it's one virtually everyone on Earth has bought into. You'll examine how to let that illusion go in Workshop Eleven. Meanwhile, you can find immediate benefit from working to integrate your various Created Selves into a Whole.

The Created Self is made up of many parts: purposes, emotions, personalities and patterns that You created for Yourself. Realize that you have now accessed a conscious timeline which will allow you to create your life the way in which you want it. Consciousness replaces unconscious information. This allows you to have a greater sense of your own expression in your life and in relationship to others.

This is the integration Process:

Begin with your statement of who you believed yourself to be; taking into consideration the signposts and purposes of who you were. Examine your personal timeline as a member of races, groups and cultures and create your new statement of who you are now.

This exercise will help you become conscious of what were unconscious blocks to your goals. And, once those blocks become conscious, they are no longer "blocks" and will not get in your way of having what your want.

Your Power

Now, as we said, above, the goal and sub-goal method of getting what you want is non-controversial, taught by motivational schools, and fool-proof.

Let's now address the possibility that there might be a more exciting way.

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