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By: Michael Manion Page Views: 1301
How to do basic exercises to strengthen your body and immune system.

Move It!

While completing these movements keep in mind that you are opening that System and its Center more fully. Each exercise corresponds to a specific System. In twelve minutes, you can have activated your Whole Self!

System One: One-Legged Calf Raise

To exercise System One, you need to stretch the feet. One means of doing this is the One-Legged Calf Raise (so named because, as a side benefit, it strengthens the calf muscles).

  1. Toes on platform, use wall to steady

  2. Use ball of foot to lift, then lower so that heel is lower than ball of foot

  3. Repeat with other foot

  4. Start by using both feet at once if necessary

System Two: Knee Stretch

System Two, Acknowledgement, benefits from increased flexibility, which this exercise enhances.

  1. Steady yourself against a wall with your right hand

  2. Bend your left knee

  3. Grab your foot with your left hand and pull your heel towards your butt

About Floor Exercises

Some of these exercises are done on the floor and stretch some very important muscle groups. If you are afraid to lie on the floor to exercise, because you think you won't be able to get back up, consider using the buddy system to do these. Adopt a buddy who will be able to provide assistance if you need it.

Knowing the right way to get into a lying position on the floor and the right way to get back up also may be helpful to you. If you have had a hip replacement, check with your surgeon before using the following method. If you have osteoporosis, check with your doctor first.

To get into a lying position:

  1. Stand next to a very sturdy chair that won't tip over (put chair against wall for support if you need to).

  2. Put your hands on the seat of the chair.

  3. Lower yourself down on one knee.

  4. Bring the other knee down.

  5. Put your left hand on the floor and lean on it as you bring your left hip to the floor.

  6. Your weight is now on your left hip.

  7. Straighten your legs out.

  8. Lie on your left side.

  9. Roll onto your back.

To get up from a lying position:

  1. Roll onto your left side.

  2. Use your right hand, placed on the floor at about the level of your ribs, to push your shoulders off the floor.

  3. Your weight is on your left hip.

  4. Roll forward, onto your knees, leaning on your hands for support.

  5. Lean your hands on the seat of the chair you used to lie down.

  6. Lift one of your knees so that one leg is bent, foot flat on the floor.

  7. Leaning your hands on the seat of the chair for support, rise from this position.

System Three: Groin Stretch

System Three, Connection, can be enhanced by stretching the muscles of the groin. Take it easy with this one and allow yourself days of practice to get a really good stretch.

  1. Sit upright on floor

  2. Bend knees so they point outward and bring the soles of your feet together

  3. Pull feet in toward groin

  4. Hold onto ankles and place elbows on the inside of your thighs while slowly pushing knees toward the floor

System Four: Trunk Twists

System Four, Mobility, benefits from an exercise that stretches the muscles of the abdomen, making it easier to maintain balance and, therefore, to walk and move in general.

  1. Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands resting on hips.

  2. Rotate the upper body slowly and smoothly to bring right shoulder to the front.

  3. Rotate the upper body slowly and smoothly to bring left shoulder to the front.

  4. Keeping your back straight and your hips facing forward.

System Five: Crunches

Of all these exercises, this is the one that will seem most like an exercise. Do it anyway! System Five, Aspiration, is centered on the solar plexus. Strengthening these muscles aids in digestion, flexibility, makes hernias less likely, and even makes you look better!

  1. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms touching back of head, elbows out.

  2. Keep lower back pressed to the floor, curl your head and shoulders up, then lower yourself.

System Six: Shoulder Circles

System Six, Awakening, is centered on the heart; this exercise opens up that area. Be sure to stand straight and tall while doing it; sometimes old heartbreaks result in people who hunch over, trying to protect the heart center. If you are one of these, now is the time to stop protecting and start evolving!

  1. Stand with arms straight out, palms down

  2. Slowly rotate both arms forward, as if you were drawing 6-inch diameter circles with your fingertips

System Seven: Neck Rolls

System Seven, Communication, is centered on the neck. Does stress sometimes make your voice seem choked? This exercise relieves stress and helps open System Seven.

  1. Begin by sitting or standing up straight, facing forward with your head level.

  2. Roll your shoulders forward in a full circular motion three times.

  3. Roll your shoulders backward in a full circular motion three times.

  4. Shrug your shoulders up, and then slowly drop them down. Repeat.

  5. Gently drop your chin toward your chest. Take a deep breath and hold it for a moment. Focus on the muscles being stretched and then exhale.

  6. Gently roll your head to one side. Inhale deeply, hold the breath, feel the stretch and then exhale.

  7. Gently roll your head to the other side. Inhale deeply and hold the breath.

  8. Gently roll your head back to the center and lift your head and exhale.

System Eight: Funny Faces

It is appropriate that System Seven, Transformation, be strengthened by an exercise that transforms the face into a funny parody of itself.

  1. Pull all the muscles of the face toward the center in a disapproving expression. Hold for twelve seconds.

  2. Stretch all the muscles of the face away from the face in a wildly joyous expression. Hold for twelve seconds.

System Nine: Stand On Head

In this this movement you move energy at the crown of your head.

  1. Either stand on your head or place your head on a cushion, pillow or chair

  2. Hold for the count of 12

  3. Stand up and hold your crown for the count of 12

  4. Rub crown area in clockwise motion with both hands to the count of 12

System Ten: Head Between Knees

  1. Sit with hands on knees

  2. Open your knees, hold to count of 12

  3. Slowly bring your head between your knees to count of 12

  4. Hold to count of 12

  5. Slowly return to sitting position to the count of 12

System Eleven: Arm Stretch

  1. Stand with feet together, arms at side

  2. To count of 12, raise arms until hands are stretched above head as far as possible

  3. Hold for count of 12

  4. To count of 12, return arms to position at side

System Twelve: Spin

While standing begin to spin your entire body 12 times from your left to your right. To avoid dizziness, pick a spot on the wall and keep your eyes trained upon it. Allow your head to be the last part of your body that turns, as a dancer does; always return your eyes to the same spot.