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Session on Table

By: Unknown Page Views: 1319
How to perform energy therapy on another person on a table, bed or floor.

It's easy to do energy work on another person who is lying on a massage table, using the techniques you've already learned. If you do not have a massage table, a bed or even the floor can be used.

Position 1: The Eyes

Hands on face, fingers covering eyes, palms meeting over forehead.

Position 2: The Ears

Hands covering ears, fingers pointing downward.

Position 3: The Crown

Palms to sides of head, fingers touching back of crown or a little behind.

Position 4: Occiput

Hands on rear sides of head, fingers cradling bony base of skull.

Position 5: The Jaw

Hands on jaw, fingertips meet at chin, palms touch bottom of earlobe.

Position 6: The Neck

Hands cradling neck, fingertips meeting on neck under chin.

Position 7: Heart

Right hand over heart, left hand behind heart.

Position 8: Solar Plexus

Right hand on front of Solar Plexus; left hand on back behind solar plexus.

Position 9: The Navel

Right hand over navel; left hand on sacrum.

Position 10: The Genitalia

Right hand on front over pubic bone. Left hand on back over lower sacrum and coccyx.

Position 11: The Knees

Right hand on right knee, left hand on left knee.

Position 12: The Feet

Right hand on right foot, left hand on left foot.